Household Income Mapping: Understanding Household Income Levels By Country


Demographic questions are translated and tailored to each country and culture through multilingual surveys and other question differentiators. One of the key differentiators in each country is the income ranges used. To address this properly, Pollfish created an outline based on the appropriate census to show household income levels by country.


Income LevelRange
Lower income IUnder $25,000
Lower income IIBetween $25,000 and $49,999
Middle income IBetween $50,000 and $74,999
Middle income IIBetween $75,000 and $99,999
High income IBetween $100,000 and $124,999
High income IIBetween $125,000 and $149,999
High income III$150,000 or more


Income LevelRange
Lower income IMenos de $15,000
Lower income II$15,000 a $29,999
Middle income I$30,000 a $44,999
Middle income II$45,000 a $74,999
High income I$75,000 a $124,999
High income II$125.000 a $199,999
High income III$200.000 o más


Income LevelRange
Lower income IUnder AU$15 000
Lower income IIBetween AU$15 000 and AU$29 999
Middle income IBetween AU$30 000 and AU$44 999
Middle income IIBetween AU$45 000 and AU$74 999
High income IBetween AU$75 000 and AU$124 999
High income IIBetween AU$125 000 and AU$199 999
High income IIIAU$200 000 or more


Income LevelRange
Lower income I25500₼-dan az
Lower income II25499₼ və 59499₼ arasında
Middle income I59500₼ və 118999₼ arasında
Middle income II119000₼ və 178499₼ arasında
High income I178500₼ və 237999₼ arasında
High income II238000₼ və 297499₼ arasında
High income III297500₼ və ya daha çox


Income LevelRange
Lower income I৳1,275,000-এর কম
Lower income II৳1,275,000 এবং ৳15,999,999-এর মধ্যে
Middle income I৳16,000,000 এবং ৳32,999,999-এর মধ্যে
Middle income II৳33,000,000 এবং ৳49,999,999-এর মধ্যে
High income I৳50,000,000এবং ৳67,999,999-এর মধ্যে
High income II৳68,000,000 এবং ৳84,999,999-এর মধ্যে
High income III৳85,100,000 বা তার অধিক


Income LevelRange
Lower income IMoins de 22.000€
Lower income IIEntre 22.000€ et 44.000€
Middle income IEntre 44.000€ et 65.999€
Middle income IIEntre 66.000€ et 87.999€
High income IEntre 88.000€ et 109.999€
High income IIEntre 110.000€ et 131.999€
High income III200 000 € et plus


Income LevelRange
Lower income IAbaixo de R$5000
Lower income IIR$5.001 a R$10.000
Middle income IR$10.001 a R$20.000
Middle income IIR$20.001 a R$40.000
High income IR$40.001 a R$50.000
High income IIR$50.001 a R$60.000
High income IIIR$60.001 ou mais


Lower income IПод 15.000
Lower income IIМежду 15.000 и 29.999лв
Middle income IМежду 30.000 и 44.999 лв
Middle income IIМежду 45.000 и 74,999 лв
High income IМежду 75.000 и 124.999 лв
High income IIМежду 125.000 и 199.999 лв
High income III200.000 лв или повече


Income LevelRange
Lower income IUnder C$25 000
Lower income IIBetween C$25 000 and C$49 999
Middle income IBetween C$50 000 and C$74 999
Middle income IIBetween C$75 000 and C$99 999
High income IBetween C$100 000 and C$159 999
High income IIBetween C$160 000 and C$199 999
High income IIIC$200 000 or more


Income LevelRange
Lower income I<4.000.000 CLP$
Lower income II4.000.000 – 12.000.000 CLP$
Middle income I12.000.000 – 20.000.000 CLP$
Middle income II20.000.000 – 30.000.000 CLP$
High income I30.000.000 – 48.000.000 CLP$
High income II48.000.000 – 80.000.000 CLP$
High income III>80.000.000 CLP$


Income LevelRange
Lower income I10,000¥ 以下
Lower income II介於 10,000 到 24,999¥ 元之間
Middle income I介於 25,000 到 39,999¥ 元之間
Middle income II介於 40,000 到 59,999¥ 元之間
High income I介於 60,000 到 89,999¥ 元之間
High income II介於 90,000 到 149,999¥ 元之間
High income III150,000¥ 元以上


Income LevelRange
Lower income I<11.500.000 COP$
Lower income II11.500.000 – 35.000.000 COP$
Middle income I35.000.000 – 70.000.000 COP$
Middle income II70.000.000 – 95.000.000 COP$
High income I95.000.000 – 135.000.000 COP$
High income II135.000.000 – 230.000.000 COP$
High income III>230.000.000 COP$

Czech Republic

Income LevelRange
Lower income IPod Kč 25,000
Lower income IIMezi Kč 25,000 a Kč 49,999
Middle income IMezi Kč 50,000 a Kč 74,999
Middle income IIMezi Kč 75,000 a Kč 99,999
High income IMezi Kč 100,000 a Kč 124,999
High income IIMezi Kč 125,000 a Kč 149,999
High income IIIKč 150,000 nebo více


Income LevelRange
Lower income IUnder 160.000 kr
Lower income IIMellem 160.000 kr og 320.000 kr
Middle income IMellem 320.000 kr og 499.999 kr
Middle income IIMellem 499.000 kr og 649.999 kr
High income IMellem 650.000 kr og 799.999 kr
High income IIMellem 800.000 kr og 949.999 kr
High income III950.000 kr eller mere


Income LevelRange
Lower income I$5,000
Lower income II$5,001-15,000
Middle income I$15,001-22,000
Middle income II$22,001-35,000
High income I$35,001-55,000
High income II$55,001-100,000
High income III>$100,000


Income LevelRange
Lower income Iأقل من 12.000 ج.م
Lower income IIمن 12.000 الى 19.999 ج م
Middle income Iمن 20.000 الى 29.999 ج م
Middle income IIمن 30.000 الى 39.999 ج م
High income Iمن 40.000 الى 54.999 ج م
High income IIمن 55.000 الى 72.000 ج م
High income IIIأكثر من 72.000 ج.م


Income LevelRange
Lower income I840000 € või rohkemAlla 14.400 €
Lower income II14.400 – 19.999 €
Middle income I20.000 – 29.999 €
Middle income II30.000 – 49.999 €
High income I50.000 – 64.999 €
High income II65.000 – 84.000 €
High income III84.000 € või rohkem


Income LevelRange
Lower income I200 000 € or moreAlle €22 000
Lower income II€22 000 ja €44 000 välillä
Middle income I€44 000 ja €66 000 välillä
Middle income II€66 000 ja €88 000 välillä
High income I€88 000 ja €110 000 välillä
High income II€110 000 ja €132 000 välillä
High income IIIyli €132 000


Income LevelRange
Lower income IMoins de 22.000€
Lower income IIEntre 22.000€ et 44.000€
Middle income IEntre 44.000€ et 65.999€
Middle income IIEntre 66.000€ et 87.999€
High income IEntre 88.000€ et 109.999€
High income IIEntre 110.000€ et 132.000€
High income III200.000 € et plus


Income LevelRange
Lower income IUnter €22.000
Lower income IIZwischen €22.000 und €44.000
Middle income IZwischen €44.000 und €65.999
Middle income IIZwischen €66.000 und €87.999
High income IZwischen €88.000 und €109.999
High income IIZwischen €110.000 und €131.999
High income IIImehr als €132.000


Income LevelRange
Lower income I47,500 ამერიკულ დოლარამდე
Lower income II47,500-დან 126,199 ამერიკულ დოლარამდე
Middle income I126,200-დან 252,399 ამერიკულ დოლარამდე
Middle income II252,400-დან 378,599 ამერიკულ დოლარამდე
High income I378,600-დან 504,799 ამერიკულ დოლარამდე
High income II504,800-დან 630,999 ამერიკულ დოლარამდე
High income III631,000 ამერიკულ დოლარზე მეტი


Income LevelRange
Lower income IΛιγότερο από €15.000
Lower income II€15.000 έως €29.999
Middle income I€30.000 έως €44.999
Middle income II€45.000 έως €74.999
High income I€75.000 έως €124.999
High income II€125.000 έως €199.999
High income III€200.000 και περισσότερο


Income LevelRange
Lower income I600 000 Ft vagy kevesebb
Lower income II600 000 – 1 439 999 Ft
Middle income I1 440 000 – 2 039 999 Ft
Middle income II2 040 000 – 2 999 999 Ft
High income I3 000 000 – 4 199 999 Ft
High income II4 200 000 – 5 999 999 Ft
High income III6 000 000 Ft felett


Income LevelRange
Lower income IUnder 50,000 Rupees
Lower income II50,000 Rupees to 149,999 Rupees
Middle income I150,000 Rupees to 199,999 Rupees
Middle income II200,000 Rupees to 349,999 Rupees
High income I350,000 Rupees to 499,999 Rupees
High income II500,000 Rupees to 699,999 Rupees
High income III700,000 Rupees or more


Income LevelRange
Lower income IKurang dari Rp 370.533.000
Lower income IIAntara Rp 370.533.000 dan Rp 741.032.000
Middle income IAntara Rp 741.032.000 dan Rp 1,111,647,000
Middle income IIAntara Rp 1,111,647,000 dan Rp 1,482,436,000
High income IAntara Rp 1,482,436,000 dan Rp 1,853,034,400
High income IIAntara Rp 1,853,034,400 dan Rp 2,222,960,200
High income IIIRp 2,222,960,200 ke atas


Income LevelRange
Lower income ILess than €15,000
Lower income II€15,000 to €29,999
Middle income I€30,000 to €44,999
Middle income II€45,000 to €74,999
High income I€75,000 to €124,999
High income II€125,000 to €199,999
High income III€200,000 and above


Income LevelRange
Lower income Iמתחת ל-54,999₪
Lower income IIבין 55,000₪ ל- 499,999₪
Middle income Iבין 500,000₪ ל- 999,999₪
Middle income IIבין 1,000,000₪ ל- 1,999,999₪
High income Iבין 2,000,000₪ ל- 2,499,999₪
High income IIבין 2,500,000₪ ל- 2,999,999₪
High income III3,000,000₪ או מעל


Income LevelRange
Lower income IMeno di €22,000
Lower income IIFra €22,000 e €43,999
Middle income IFra €44,000 e €65,999
Middle income IIFra €66,000 e €87,999
High income IFra €88,000 e €109,999
High income IIFra €110,000 e €131,999
High income III€132,000 e oltre


Income LevelRange
Lower income I280万円未満
Lower income II280万~558万円未満
Middle income I558万円~836万円未満
Middle income II836万円~1115万円未満
High income I1115万円~1394万円未満
High income II1394万円~1673万円未満
High income III1673万円以上


Income LevelRange
Lower income IUnder 200000 KES
Lower income II200000 KES-500000 KES
Middle income I500001 KES-800000 KES
Middle income II800001 KES-2000000 KES
High income I20000001 KES-4000000 KES
High income II4000001 KES-6000000 KES
High income III6000001 KES or more


Income LevelRange
Lower income I₩190,000,000 미만
Lower income II₩190,000,000 ~ ₩349,999,999
Middle income I₩349,999,999 ~ ₩499,999,999
Middle income II₩500,000,000 ~ ₩649,999,999
High income I₩650,000,000 ~ ₩899,999,999
High income II₩900,000,000 ~ ₩1,120,000,000
High income III₩1,120,000,000 以上


Income LevelRange
Lower income IZem €12,000
Lower income II€12,000 – €16,999
Middle income I€17,000 – €24,999
Middle income II€25,000 – €44,999
High income I€45,000 – €69,999
High income II€70,000 – €99,999
High income III€100,000 vai vairāk


Income LevelRange
Lower income I< 3 600 €
Lower income IITarp 3 600 € ir 4 999 €
Middle income ITarp 5 000 € ir 9 999 €
Middle income IITarp 10 000 € ir 14 999 €
High income ITarp 15 000 € ir 19 999 €
High income IITarp 20 000 € ir 23 999 €
High income III24 000 € ar daugiau


Income LevelRange
Lower income IMYR 0 – 15,000
Lower income IIMYR 15,000 – MYR 29,999
Middle income IMYR 30,000 – MYR 44,999
Middle income IIMYR 45,000 – MYR 74,999
High income IMYR 75,000 – MYR 124,999
High income IIMYR 125,000 – MYR 199,999
High income IIIMYR 200,000 +


Income LevelRange
Lower income I0 -180,000 Pesos
Lower income II180,000 – 359,999 Pesos
Middle income I360,000 – 539,999 Pesos
Middle income II540,000 – 899,999 Pesos
High income I900,000 – 1,499,999 Pesos
High income II1,500,000 – 2,399,999 Pesos
High income III2,400,000+ Pesos


Income LevelRange
Lower income Iminder dan €12 499
Lower income IITussen 22 000€ en 43 500€
Middle income ITussen 43 500€ en 65 500€
Middle income IITussen 65 500€ en 87 500€
High income ITussen 87 500€ en 109 000€
High income IITussen 109 000€ en 131 000€
High income III131 000€ of meer


Income LevelRange
Lower income IUnder 500000 NGN
Lower income II500001 NGN-3000000 NGN
Middle income I3000001 NGN-12000000 NGN
Middle income II12000001 NGN-28000000 NGN
High income I28000001 NGN-40000000 NGN
High income II40000001 NGN-50000000 NGN
High income III50000001 or more


Income LevelRange
Lower income IMindre enn 200 000 NOK
Lower income II200 000 – 299 999 NOK
Middle income I300 000 – 549 999 NOK
Middle income II550 000 – 799 999 NOK
High income I800 000 – 999 999 NOK
High income II1 000 000 – 1 199 999 NOK
High income IIIMer enn 1 200 000 NOK

Pakistan (Pashto)

Income LevelRange
Lower income Iله Rs 144 0000 څخه لږ
Lower income IIد Rs 1 444 000 او Rs 4 499 999 ترمنځ
Middle income Iد Rs 5 500 000 او Rs 9 999 999 ترمنځ
Middle income IIد Rs 10 000 000 او Rs 14 999 999 ترمنځ
High income Iد Rs 15000000 او Rs 19999999 ترمنځ
High income IIد Rs 20 000 000 او Rs 23 999 999 ترمنځ
High income IIIله Rs 24 000 000 څخه لوړ

Pakistan (Punjabi)

Income LevelRange
Lower income I1 440 000 Rs ਤੋਂ ਘੱਟ
Lower income II1 440 000 Rs ਤੋਂ 4 499 999 Rs ਵਿਚਕਾਰ
Middle income I5 500 000 Rs 9 999 999 Rs ਵਿਚਕਾਰ
Middle income II10 000 000 Rs ਤੋਂ 14 999 999 Rs ਵਿਚਕਾਰ
High income I15 000 000 Rs ਤੋਂ 19 999 999 Rs ਵਿਚਕਾਰ
High income II20 000 000 Rs ਤੋਂ 23 999 999 Rs ਵਿਚਕਾਰ
High income III24 000 000 Rs ਜਾਂ ਇਸ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ


Income LevelRange
Lower income Iکمتر از ₪55,000
Lower income IIبین ₪55,000 و ₪999,999
Middle income Iبین ₪1,000,000 و ₪1,499,999
Middle income IIبین ₪1,500,000 و ₪1,999,999
High income Iبین ₪2,000,000 و ₪2,499,999
High income IIبین ₪2,500,000 و ₪2,999,999
High income III3,000,00₪ یا بیشتر


Income LevelRange
Lower income I<20.000 PEN
Lower income II20.000 – 60.000 PEN
Middle income I60.000 – 90.000 PEN
Middle income II90.000 – 145.000 PEN
High income I145.000 – 225.000 PEN
High income II225.000 – 400.000
High income III>400.000 PΕΝ


Income LevelRange
Lower income IMababa sa PHP 150,000
Lower income IISa pagitan ng PHP 150,000 at PHP 299,999
Middle income ISa pagitan ng PHP 300,000 at PHP 449,999
Middle income IISa pagitan ng PHP 450,000 at PHP 749,999
High income ISa pagitan ng PHP 750,000 at 1,249,999
High income IISa pagitan ng PHP 1,250,000 at PHP 1,999,999
High income IIIPHP 2,000,000 o higit pa


Income LevelRange
Lower income I0 – 12000 PLN
Lower income II12001 – 24000 PLN
Middle income I24001 – 48000 PLN
Middle income II48001 – 72000 PLN
High income I72001 – 96000 PLN
High income II96001 – 120000 PLN
High income III120001 +Portugal


Income LevelRange
Lower income IInferior a 20.000 €
Lower income IIEntre 20.000 € 39.999 €
Middle income IEntre 40.000 € 64.999 €
Middle income IIEntre 65.000 € 84.999 €
High income IEntre 85.000 € 104.999 €
High income IIEntre 105.000 € 124.999 €
High income III125 000 € ou mais


Income LevelRange
Lower income ISub 101.995 RON
Lower income IIÎntre 101.995 RON și 203.986 RON
Middle income IÎntre 203.990 RON și 305.981 RON
Middle income IIÎntre 305.985 RON și 407.976 RON
High income IÎntre 407.980 RON și 509.971 RON
High income IIÎntre 509.975 RON și 611.966 RON
High income IIIPeste 611.970 RON


Income LevelRange
Lower income IДо 1.700.000 рублей
Lower income IIМежду 1.700.000 и 3.999.999 рублей
Middle income IМежду 4.000.000 и 5.099.999 рублей
Middle income IIМежду 5.100.000 и 6.799.999 рублей
High income IМежду 6.800.000 и 8.499.999 рублей
High income IIМежду 8.500.000 и 10.199.999 рублей
High income IIIОт 10.200.000 рублей и более

Saudi Arabia

Income LevelRange
Lower income Iأقل من 36،000 ريال سعودي
Lower income IIبين 36،000 ريال سعودي و 83،999 ريال سعودي
Middle income Iبين 84،000 ريال سعودي و 119،999 ريال سعودي
Middle income IIبين 120،000 ريال سعودي و 179،999 ريال سعودي
High income Iبين 180،000 ريال سعودي و 239،999 ريال سعودي
High income IIبين 240،000 ريال سعودي و 299،999 ريال سعودي
High income III300،000 ريال سعودي أو أكثر


Income LevelRange
Lower income IИспод 2.500.000 RSD
Lower income IIИзмеђу 2.500.000 RSD и 5.000.000 RSD
Middle income IИзмеђу 5.000.000 RSD и 7.500.000 RSD
Middle income IIИзмеђу 7.500.000 RSD и 10.000.000 RSD
High income IИзмеђу 10.000.000 RSD и 12.500.000 RSD
High income IIИзмеђу 12.500.000 RSD и 15.000.000 RSD
High income III15.000.000 RSD или више


Income LevelRange
Lower income ILess than S$15,000
Lower income IIS$15,000 to S$29,999
Middle income IS$30,000 to S$44,999
Middle income IIS$45,000 to S$74,999
High income IS$75,000 to S$124,999
High income IIS$125,000 to S$199,999
High income IIIS$200,000 and above


Income LevelRange
Lower income IMenej ako 12 000€
Lower income IIMedzi 12 000€ a 21 999€
Middle income IMedzi 22 000€ a 51 999 €
Middle income IIMedzi 52 000€ a 71 999€
High income IMedzi 72 000€ a 91 999€
High income IIMedzi 92 000€ a 120 000€
High income III120 000€ alebo viac


Income LevelRange
Lower income IMenos de 22.000€
Lower income IIEntre 22.000 € y 44.000€
Middle income IEntre 44.000€ y 65.999€
Middle income IIEntre 66.000€ y 87.999€
High income IEntre 88.000€ y 109.999€
High income IIEntre 110.000€ y 131.999€
High income III132.000€ o más

South Africa

Income LevelRange
Lower income ILess than R150,000
Lower income IIR150,000 to R299,999
Middle income IR300,000 to R449,999
Middle income IIR450,000 to R749,999
High income IR750,000 to R1,249,999
High income IIR1,250 000 to R1,999,999
High income IIIR2,000,000 and above


Income LevelRange
Lower income IUnder 225.000 SEK
Lower income IIMellan 225.000 och 450.000 SEK
Middle income IMellan 450.000 och 675.000 SEK
Middle income IIMellan 675.000 och 900.400 SEK
High income IMellan 900.400 och 1,125.000 SEK
High income IIMellan 1,125.000 och 1,350.000 SEK
High income III1,350.000 SEK eller mer


Income LevelRange
Lower income IMoins de 40 000 CHF
Lower income IIEntre 40 000 et 49 999 CHF
Middle income IEntre 50 000 et 69 999 CHF
Middle income IIEntre 70 000 et 99 999 CHF
High income IEntre 100 000 et 129 999 CHF
High income IIEntre 130 000 et 249 999 CHF
High income III250 000 CHF ou plus


Income LevelRange
Lower income INT$ 500000 以下
Lower income IINT$500001 to NT$899999
Middle income INT$900000 to NT$1299999
Middle income IINT$1300000 to NT$1649999
High income INT$1650000 to NT$1999999
High income IINT$2000000 to NT$4999999
High income IIINT$5000000 以上


Income LevelRange
Lower income I239,999 บาท หรือต่ำกว่า
Lower income IIระหว่าง 240,000 ถึง 479,999 บาท
Middle income Iระหว่าง 480,000 ถึง 719,999 บาท
Middle income IIระหว่าง 720,000 ถึง 959,999 บาท
High income Iระหว่าง 960,000 ถึง 1,199,999 บาท
High income IIระหว่าง 1,200,000 ถึง 1,799,999 บาท
High income III1,800,000 บาท ขึ้นไป


Income LevelRange
Lower income I25.000₺ altı
Lower income II25.000₺ ile 49.999₺ arası
Middle income I50.000₺ ile 74.999₺ arası
Middle income II75.000₺ ile 99,999₺ arası
High income I100.000₺ ile 124.999₺ arası
High income II125.000₺ ile 149.999₺ arası
High income III150.000₺ ve üstü


Income LevelRange
Lower income IНижче ніж ₴120 000
Lower income IIМіж ₴120 000 та ₴199 999
Middle income IМіж ₴200 000 та ₴499 999
Middle income IIМіж ₴500 000 та ₴999 999
High income IМіж ₴1 000 000 та ₴2 999 999
High income IIМіж ₴3 000 000 та ₴3 599 999
High income III₴3600000 та більше

United Kingdom

Income LevelRange
Lower income IUnder £15 000
Lower income IIBetween £15 000 and £29 999
Middle income IBetween £30 000 and £44 999
Middle income IIBetween £45 000 and £74 999
High income IBetween £75 000 and £124 999
High income IIBetween £125 000 and £199 999
High income III£200 000 or more

United Arab Emirates

Income LevelRange
Lower income Iأقل من 25,000 دولار أمريكي
Lower income IIبين 25,000 و 49,999 دولار أمريكي
Middle income Iبين 50,000 و 74,999 دولار أمريكي
Middle income IIبين 75,000 و 99,999 دولار أمريكي
High income Iبين 100,000 و 124,999 دولار أمريكي
High income IIبين 125,000 و 149,999 دولار أمريكي
High income III150,000 دولار أمريكي أو أكثر


Income LevelRange
Lower income I$25,000 dan kam
Lower income II$50,000 va $74,999 oʻrtasida
Middle income I$50,000 va $74,999 oʻrtasida
Middle income II$75,000 va $99,999 oʻrtasida
High income I$100,000 oʻrtasida va $124,999
High income II$125,000 va $149,999 oʻrtasida
High income III$150,000 yoki undan koʻproq


Income LevelRange
Lower income Iít hơn 26 triệu đồng
Lower income IItừ 26 triệu đồng đến ít hơn 34 triệu đồng
Middle income Itừ 34 triệu đồng đến ít hơn 52 triệu đồng
Middle income IItừ 52 triệu đồng đến ít hơn 104 triệu đồng
High income Itừ 104 triệu đồng đến ít hơn 207 triệu đồng
High income IIừ 207 triệu đồng đến ít hơn 462 triệu đồng
High income III462 triệu đồng/năm hoặc nhiều hơn


Income LevelRange
Lower income IUnder ZMW 100,000
Lower income IIBetween ZMW 100,000 and ZMW 199,999
Middle income IBetween ZMW 200,000 and ZMW 349,999
Middle income IIBetween ZMW 350,000 and ZMW 499,999
High income IBetween ZMW 500,000 and ZMW 749,999
High income IIBetween ZMW 750,000 and ZMW 999,999
High income IIIZMW 1,000,000 or more

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