All NEW Pollfish AI Builder: The Smarter Way to Create Surveys

đź’ˇ Revolutionizing Survey Creation with AI

Introducing the All New Pollfish AI Builder

At Pollfish, we’re always looking for ways to make survey creation faster, easier, and smarter.

That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce a cutting-edge revamp to AI Builder, our next-generation AI-powered survey creation tool.

It's free to use for all of our customers. So whether you’re a seasoned researcher or just getting started, our new AI Builder can help you craft high-quality surveys with expert precision and minimal effort.

What is AI Builder?

Try asking AI to build your next survey

Taking pride of place at the top of your survey dashboard, AI Builder is our conversational tool that enhances your survey creation process by offering real-time suggestions, modifications, and optimizations to your projects. With AI Builder, you can:

  • Generate professional-quality surveys from a simple prompt.
  • Modify, rephrase, or expand questions with expert survey guidance.
  • Change the tone, spell check and translate your survey for different audiences.
  • Adjust response options by adding, removing, or shuffling answers.
  • Undo previous AI modifications for full control over your questionnaire.


Build and modify surveys in seconds


Supporting Advanced Research Methods

AI Builder isn’t just about creating questions - it’s designed to support a variety of research methodologies, including:

Plus, it supports a wide range of question types, from single and multiple selections to matrix, ranking, sliders, open-ended responses, and more.


What’s Next for AI Builder?

We're just getting started! Our dedicated team of Pollfish AI developers are continuously iterating the product to lead AI in the market research industry. So you'll see it's speed and capabilities increase quickly over time.

Upcoming enhancements include:

  • Question Groups – Create structured sets of questions for deeper insights.
  • Advanced Logic – Set up complex branching to refine survey flow.

What functionality would you like to see? Let us know over on Linkedin and we'll feed it straight back to the team...

Try AI Builder Today

Our all new AI Builder is now live in the Pollfish platform! The next time you log in to your dashboard or create a survey, look for the “Ask AI” button to start building smarter, faster, and with greater precision than ever before.

And of course we’d love to hear your feedback...

How are you using AI Builder?

What additional features would make it even more powerful for your research needs?

Share your thoughts in the comments and help shape the future of AI-powered survey creation, together.

Ready to experience the future of survey creation?

Log in to Pollfish and try AI Builder today!

How to Use the New Carry Forward Feature for an Enhanced Survey Experience

How to Use the New Carry Forward Feature for an Enhanced Survey Experience

As the heart of any survey, the questionnaire must be contrived carefully so that you receive the responses most necessary for your survey research. Creating the questions themselves can be difficult, especially if you choose to create question paths. 

Pollfish is thus thrilled to present a new feature to make building the questions a much easier task: Carry Forward. This new attribute provides advanced piping capabilities to optimize your questionnaire experience. 

The Purpose of the Carry Forward Feature

As a refresher, piping is a functionality that allows users to place, aka, “pipe,” a part of a question or answer into a subsequent question or answer. 

In the Pollfish platform, piping works by taking the answer(s) from the sender question and inserting them to the receiver question. 

In the first piping iteration, researchers were able to funnel answer choices from one question to another based on respondents’ selections. The following question would carry forward answers from previously piped answers. 

The new Carry Forward feature carries (no pun intended) the function of enriching the question-building experience, as it allows you to pipe questions on more question and answer types, along with other capabilities.

This new feature helps researchers design specific questions that are more relevant to the respondent’s behavior, and more useful to their research. 

It functions on both selected and unselected answers. It also can be used with:

  • Matrix questions
  • Ranking questions
  • Single selection questions
  • Multiple selection questions

Laying Out the Carry Forward Capabilities

Multiple Selection Questions

Along with carrying forward selected answers, this feature allows researchers to carry forward all the answers that the respondent did not select. 

In the case of a multiple selection question, for example, the feature can carry forward the unselected answers into the receiver question. 

Due to this, when a responder selects all the answers and proceeds, there will be no answer to carry forward, as there are no remaining unselected answers. For this precise reason, the Pollfish platform has developed a validation which exists as a dialogue box. 

This pop-up allows the researcher to know that the Carry Forward feature cannot support this case, as it only works if at least one answer is unselected. This is due to the condition that unselected answers cannot be carried forward if all the answers have been selected.

Advanced Logic

This can be used in tandem with advanced logic, allowing you to augment your survey with multiple layers. 

Enabling advanced logic (ADL) can trigger questions without forwarded answers. For example, when Carry Forward is enabled but a respondent skipped the sender question, the respondent will then be routed to a question without Carry Forward answers

Pollfish has also added front end validation that disables the researchers from proceeding with the previous structure. 

Sender questions with either the “None of the above” or “Other” option must be structured correctly, that is, with multiple selection questions. If these aren’t added to the proper question, there will be pop-up error messages.

Carry Forward Answers that Contain Media

If the Carry Forward answer type is the same or similar to the source (question) type, such as: 

  • single to single, 
  • multiple to multiple, 
  • single to multiple, etc.,

then the platform will carry forward the media files together with the answers.

In other cases, such as different types between sender & receiver questions, there are certain conditions and rules that dictate how Carry Forward will work.

How to maneuver Carry Forward answers which contain media:

  • If the Carry Forward answer type is the same or similar (single, multiple) to the source type ? the media will be carried forward.
  • If the Carry Forward answer type doesn’t support media then:
    • The text will be carried forward if the source answer contains both text and media. 
    • Carry Forward will not be supported if the source answer contains only media. 

How to Add Carry Forward to Your Questionnaire

In order to add the Carry Forward feature, you’ll need to enter the questionnaire portion of the survey first (after completing the audience section). You’ll also need to have your questions and answers in mind. 

You can add Carry Forward when you begin the questionnaire, as you’ll need at least two questions to use this feature, the sender and receiver question. You can also implement it to an existing questionnaire. 

  1. Find the Carry Forward option at the left panel of the questionnaire.
  2. Find a sender and a receiver question you wish to apply the CF feature to. This can be in any order. For example, you can use Question 1 as the sender question and Question 2 as the receiver question. 
  3. Enable this via the receiver question and select “Carry Forward” and then the selected or unselected answers from a previous question (the sender question). 

What Carry Forward Supports Vs. What It Does Not Support

There are certain conditions that need to be met in order to apply the Carry Forward function. There are certain circumstances in which your questions will not be able to implement Carry Forward. 

What it supports:

  1. Carry Forward can be used with single/ multiple/ ranking/ matrix questions when they are designed as receiver questions.
    1. When you carry forward a matrix question, there’s an additional option to narrow the choices based on selected columns, unselected columns, rows for selected columns, rows for unselected columns, and columns for specific rows.
  2. It is supported by single, multiple, open-ended, numeric, ranking, matrix, slider and OE when they are set up as sender questions.
  3. The researcher can carry forward all the questions that the respondent didn’t select. 
  4. There is simultaneous support of advanced logic and Carry Forward.
  5. It supports Order/ Shuffle answers for funneling questions. 

What it doesn’t support:

  1. Carry Forward cannot be used with description questions, Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys and visual ratings surveys.
  2. It does not support screening questions and therefore cannot be used in them.
  3. It does not support the option of “Group and Randomize.”

Note: Closing off, you should know that responses that are carried forward will be treated the same as other answer choices on the results page.

We suggest you preview your survey design before submitting the survey itself. Try it out!