Recently Pollfish launched a new Offerwall along with Prodege. This article summarizes the key points someone should know about offerwalls, how a publisher can incorporate them into their virtual economy & how the new offerwall by Prodege can boost a game’s revenue!

Let’s talk about Offerwalls:

In the early days of offerwalls, their primary goal was to provide users with a transactional experience. For example, user X could earn 50 coins by downloading Game ZThis download-oriented approach was more effective in the early days of app monetization. Today the industry’s attention is not solely focused on download volume but on user engagement & quality. Therefore, offerwalls have evolved to prioritize encouraging in-app engagement by implementing reward systems.

Today offerwalls are presenting players with numerous actions that they can undertake to earn in-app rewards:

  1. Download an app.
  2. Sign-up on a platform or for a free trial.
  3. Complete surveys.
  4. Make an in-app purchase in another app.
  5. Reach a specific level in another game.

Why should publishers monetize with offerwalls?

  1. The percentage of users preferring ad-supported mobile games grew from 21% in 2017 to 50% in 2022. Mobile gamers exceeded those who favored those with in-app purchases or pay-to-play games.
  2. Offerwalls tend to generate attractive eCPMs (effective cost per mille) – up to $400. High eCPMs can be achieved by encouraging the users to complete the different offers since it requires some time. Note that offerwalls need to be aligned with the game’s UX in order to boost engagement and retention of users within the game.
  3. Offerwalls could be a perfect fit with an already engaged user base within the game. Those users always come back to the offerwall & actively complete offers.

There is a variety of offers a user could complete – covering the different interests of users.

How to maximize your potential with offerwalls?

  • Set up the expectations for the users: In order to maximize the revenue potential it is necessary to provide attractive & clear rewards to the users. In the following example, the user has a clear expectation by completing offers – he will be rewarded with the game’s currency ‘Buffs’.

  • Set up the ideal reward value: Once the placement is positioned in the game, It is necessary to establish the ideal reward value in order to achieve: continuous revenue for your end & users engaging with the offerwall often. A publisher should question how many coins he should deliver to a user, for instance, if an offer pays back $1. In the below example, a user can earn 25k coins with in-app purchases, 30 coins with Rewarded Videos, and up to 500 with an offerwall. With this approach, the publisher can achieve engagement within the offerwall since the reward value can be much higher compared to rewarded videos. Nevertheless, publishers need to always ‘play around with the reward value till they find the most optimal approach.

  • Schedule Offers: From time to time,  it is necessary to boost the reward value within a game either to enhance engagement on specific days (e.g. weekends) when traffic is low or to take advantage of periods (e.g. Christmas holidays) when there is peak traffic in order to capitalize on this. It is necessary when you set up scheduled offers to communicate this upfront to the users with: newsletters, social media posts, push notifications, and so on in order to maximize the number of people who participate in this.

  • Theming: For instance in the new offerwall by Pollfish & Prodege,  publishers through their dashboard have the flexibility to personalize the Offerwall’s outlook. They can easily modify the theming to match their app’s environment, upload their logo, and define distinct virtual reward names and exchange rates. These customizations will seamlessly reflect in the user interface of the Offerwall.


A few words for the Prodege Offerwall:

Prodege’s Offerwall opens up a world of unique demand opportunities thanks to its rewarded surveys and exclusive direct offers for mobile apps, HTML5 games, or websites. With over 140k apps, games, and websites currently partnering with Prodege & Pollfish, publishers can expect premium demand with eCPMs reaching up to $400, ensuring increased user engagement and a 100% fill rate. With global coverage and a wide selection of over 30k offers and surveys, Prodege’s Offerwall presents a compelling opportunity for effective and rewarding monetization strategies.